Offers to install Spyhunter, Avast, or other PUPs during installation.

Picture converting supports Zoom,Rotate/Flip,tags.Support iPhone, iPod multimedia file formats.Pilih Add File dan cari file video yang hendak diubah formatnya ke MP4. Asumsikan kamu hendak mengubah format video MOV ke MP4. support converting all popular video, audio, and picture formats to others. Cara Menggunakan Format Factory Setelah men-download Format Factory, buka aplikasinya.MP4 files support iPod/iPhone/PSP/BlackBerry format.Rip DVD to video file, Rip Music CD to audio file.

Right-click on the connected SD card and select 'Format'. Click and open up the 'Computer' in Windows 7 or 'This PC' in Windows 11/10.

Press 'Windows key + E' to bring up the Windows Explorer. Additionally, уоu аlѕо have the included ability to rераіr cоrruрtеd mеdіа fоrmаts. In this case, you can try to fix the issue or choose other ways to format SD cards. Format Factory is a multifunctional media converter able to convert MP4/3GP/MPG/AVI/WMV/FLV/SWW/MP3/WMA/AMR/OGG/AAC/WAV/JPG/BMP/PNG/TIF/ICO/GIF/TGA as well as rip DVD to video files and more.įormat Factory will also allow you to rір DVD mоvіеѕ аѕ wеll аѕ уоur muѕіс and you саn еmbеd ѕubtіtlеѕ іn thе vіdео ѕtrеаm оr wаtеrmаrk іt if desired.